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Sources for “Why Become a Conscious Business” Infographic

Rachel Zurer August 4, 2017

We compiled data from dozens of reports to create our “Why Become a Conscious Business” infographic, which appeared in the September/October 2017 issue of Conscious Company magazine. Here’s where you can trace the facts back to the source.

Key to the print version

Match the fact’s number with the source list below.


1.     Hill, Patrick L, and Nicholas A Turiano. “Purpose in Life as a Predictor of Mortality Across Adulthood.” Psychological Science 25 (7) 2014: 1482–86. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0956797614531799.

2.     Steffens, Niklas K, S Alexander Haslam, Sebastian C Schuh, Jolanda Jetten, and Rolf van Dick. “A Meta-Analytic Review of Social Identification and Health in Organizational Contexts.” Personality and Social Psychology Review http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1088868316656701.

3.     Cone Communications. “2016 Millennial Employee Engagement Study.” http://www.conecomm.com/research-blog/2016-millennial-employee-engagement-study

4.     Net Impact. “Talent Report: What Workers Want in 2012.” May 2012. https://www.netimpact.org/sites/default/files/documents/what-workers-want-2012.pdf

5.    HBR.org org and The Energy Project. “The Human Era at Work.” 2014. https://uli.org/wp-content/uploads/ULI-Documents/The-Human-Era-at-Work.pdf

6.    Edelman. “goodpurpose® Study 2012.http://www.edelman.com/insights/intellectual-property/good-purpose/

7.    PwC “Make it your business: Engaging with the Sustainable Development Goals.” 2015. https://www.pwc.com/gx/en/sustainability/SDG/SDG%20Research_FINAL.pdf

8.    Edelman. “2016 Trust Barometer Annual Global Study.http://www.edelman.com/insights/intellectual-property/2016-edelman-trust-barometer/

9.    Cone Communications. “2017 Cone Communications CSR Study.” http://www.conecomm.com/research-blog/2017-csr-study

10.    Burson-Marsteller. “Trust & Purpose Survey 2011.” http://www.burson-marsteller.com/what-we-do/our-thinking/trust-purpose-survey-2011/

11.    Nielson. “Doing Well By Doing Good.” June 2014. http://www.nielsen.com/ca/en/insights/reports/2014/doing-well-by-doing-good.html

12.    Edelmen. “Earned Brand 2017.” June 2017. http://www.edelman.com/earned-brand/

13.    Unilever & Europanel. “Brand Purpose: Fad or Future?” 2016. https://www.unilever.com/news/press-releases/2017/report-shows-a-third-of-consumers-prefer-sustainable-brands.html

14.    Harvard Business Review Analytic Services and EY. “The Business Case for Purpose — A Harvard Business Review Analytic Services Report.” 2015. http://www.ey.com/Publication/vwLUAssets/ey-the-business-case-for-purpose/$FILE/ey-the-business-case-for-purpose.pdf

15.    Sisodia, Rajendra, Jagdish N. Sheth, and David Wolfe. Firms of endearment: how world-class companies profit from passion and purpose. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, 2014.

16.    Gallup. “2012 Q12® Meta-Analysis Report.” http://www.gallup.com/businessjournal/163130/employee-engagement-drives-growth.aspx

17.    Eccles, Robert, Ioannis Ioannou, and George Serafeim. “The Impact of Corporate Sustainability on Organizational Processes and Performance.” Management Science 60, no. 11 (February 2014): 2835-857. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1964011

18.    Clark, Gordon L., Andreas Feiner, and Michael Viehs. “From the stockholder to the stakeholder: How sustainability can drive financial outperformance.” (2015). https://arabesque.com/research/From_the_stockholder_to_the_stakeholder_web.pdf

19.    Rochlin, Steve, Richard Bliss, Stephen Jordan, and Cheryl Yaffe Kiser. “Defining the Competitive and Financial Advantages of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability.” Project ROI and IO Sustainability (2015). http://projectroi.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Project-ROI-Report.pdf

20.    LinkedIn and Imperative. “Purpose at Work, 2016 Global Report.https://business.linkedin.com/talent-solutions/job-trends/purpose-at-work

21.    Mankins, Michael C., and Eric Garton. Time, talent, energy: overcome organizational drag and unleash your teams productive power. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press, 2017.

22.    The Energy Project,“The Human Era at Work 2013”

23.    Cone Communications. “2016 Cone Communications Employee Engagement Study.” http://www.conecomm.com/research-blog/2016-employee-engagement-study

24.    CR Magazine. “The Cost of a bad reputation: The impacts of corporate reputation on talent acquisition.” October 2015. http://www.thecro.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Cost-of-a-Bad-Reputation-2015-Final.pdf

25.    Palimeris, M. “Engaging employees through corporate responsibility.” Ipsos MORI White Paper (2006). https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/publication/1970-01/loyalty-erm-engaging-employees-through-corporate-responsibility.pdf

26.    Michael Porter, “The case for letting business solve social problems.” Filmed 2013, TED Video, 16:28. https://www.ted.com/talks/michael_porter_why_business_can_be_good_at_solving_social_problems

27.    Credit Suisse. “Global Wealth Report 2016.” November 2016. http://publications.credit-suisse.com/tasks/render/file/index.cfm?fileid=AD783798-ED07-E8C2-4405996B5B02A32E

28.    “Sustainable development goals.” United Nations. Accessed August 08, 2017. http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/


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