6:00 PM - 6:45 PM GMT / 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM PDT
In the last year, we have all faced unprecedented challenges. It's often during these times that our values take a back seat. But it's even more important today to root our actions in values that guide our decisions. The question is: how can you use values-based leadership skills to meet the challenges of 2020 and beyond? This workshop will be an opportunity to ask those difficult questions. Gain insight from each other and from leaders who make tough values-based decisions that impact their businesses and beyond.
Here is the link to the session. You must be logged in to Hopin.
Antoinette Klatzky
Executive Director
Eileen Fisher
Bela Shah
Senior Program Manager
Net Impact
B Lab US/Canada
Cecily Joseph
Advisor, Presidio Initiative for Equity & Social Justice | Chair Net Impact Board
Presidio Graduate School & Net Impact
Seth Goldman
Chief Change Agent
Eat the Change