Our Partners
The Good Capital Project is made possible by the continued generous support of our partners.

Bain Capital Double Impact
Bain Capital Double Impact applies Bain Capital’s value-added approach to impact investing by building great companies, maximizing their financial potential, and scaling their social and environmental impact.

Investor’s circle
Investors’ Circle is the world’s largest and most active early-stage impact investing network. We have been finding, fostering, and funding startup innovation for over 25 years. Our community of angel investors, venture capitalists, foundations, and family offices has invested over $200 million into more than 300 enterprises dedicated to improving the environment, education, health, and community.

Community Investment Management
Community Investment Management is the first impact investment firm focused on marketplace lending. CIM provides responsible and transparent financing to small businesses in the United States in partnership with a select group of technology-driven lenders. CIM combines experience, innovation, and values to align the interests of small business borrowers and investors.

Academic Partners

The Lewis Institute
The Lewis Institute illuminates pathways for students, faculty, staff, foundations, and corporate partners seeking social innovation solutions.

Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship
The Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship (CASE) is an award-winning research and education center based at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. CASE’s mission is to prepare leaders and organizations with the business skills needed to achieve lasting social change.

The Earth Institute
Columbia’s Earth Institute blends research in the physical and social sciences, education and practical solutions to help guide the world onto a path toward sustainability.

New York University
Great cities are engines of creativity, and New York University takes its name and spirit from one of the busiest, most diverse and dynamic cities of all. The University lives within New York and other great cities, from Abu Dhabi to Shanghai, Paris to Prague, Sydney to Buenos Aires—all magnets for talented, ambitious people.