What I think success is

Kevin Jones March 12, 2010

I wrote the success chapter for the new Thrivability book compiled by Jean Russell @nurturegirl. I like success when it comes, and enjoy it, so I wrote about that. Other people picked things to write about they were good or believed in or enjoyed. It was a fun process. The slides are getting a lot of attention on slideshare. It got moved to the front page today. Not sure how long it will stay there. I like it, but it is slow food. I want an attention driveby version, but more than three pictures. Thrivability lite. A thrivability for dummies is a later version of the meme, if it catches on. I’m curious to see its trajectory and to watch #fouryearsgo, which is also about to launch in a public way with some pretty cool videos. @kevindoylejones

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