More Movement from the Federal Government on Social Innovation

Rishi Malhotra June 29, 2010

Michelle Obama The federal government is catching onto the importance of nonprofits in social innovation and the social capital market space. Recently, ServiceNation and America Forward worked with the White House to create the Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation and the Social Innovation Fund. They are now working with Congress to pass the Nonprofit Sector and Community Solutions Act (H.R. 5533), which was introduced by Rep. Betty McCollum.
There are several key pieces of this legislation. The main idea of this is that the bill will ensure that the federal government does a better job of supporting innovation in the nonprofit space. It will create three institutions: a U.S. Council on Nonprofit Organizations and Community Solutions to find out ways to have a high community impact; an Interagency Working Group to have a streamlined, coordinated process for working with nonprofits and it would improve data collection and research on nonoprofits. Find out more about innovative and collaborative solutions to social and economic problems by coming to SOCAP10.
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