Announcing the SOCAP24 Agenda — Going Deeper: Catalyzing Systems Change!

Clinton Bush Haiti Fund to Invest in Microfinance

Rishi Malhotra July 13, 2010

The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund (CBHF) just announced $1 million in new grants for promoting economic opportunity in Haiti through textile production, artisans, health, and microfinance.
It will create small and medium sized enterprises, especially those with a social component such as focusing on health or education. There will be job training, especially for youth. Furthermore, the money will help launch HELP, a program that will give grants to microfinance institutions with about 50,000 clients to help them expand their client base. BRAC, the large NGO based in Bangladesh, will help establish a health center and other funding will fund artisan and retail jobs.
For full article, click on the picture or here.
Photo Credit: State Department

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