SOCAP10 Speakers and Schedule!

Rishi Malhotra August 3, 2010

socap10-smallThis incredible group of individuals and panels represent the cutting edge and what’s next in social enterprise. Register now to join the discussion at the intersection of money and meaning and receive the 20% early-bird discount using the following code: EB20
Speaker Line-up:
Below are the list of speakers who will be attending and leading sessions at SOCAP10. More to be added as we approach the conference date!


Jacqueline Novogratz, Acumen Fund
Matt Flannery, Kiva
Jay Coen Gilbert, B Lab
Woody Tasch, Slow Money
Julie Sunderland, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
William Foote, Root Capital
Ron Cordes, The Cordes Foundation

Tactical Philanthropy:

Sean Stannard Stockton, Tactical Philanthropy
Elie Hassenfeld, GiveWell
George Overholser, Nonprofit Finance Fund Capital Partners
Dan Pallotta, Springboard
Steve Goldberg, Author of Billions of Drops in Millions of Buckets: Why Philanthropy Doesn’t Advance Social Progress
Lance Fors, New Teacher Center
Rae Richman, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
Randy Allison Hustvedt, Federal Street Advisors
Hope Neighbor, Hope Consulting
Katherina Rosqueta, The Center for High Impact Philanthropy
Dave Peery, The Peery Foundation
Jerry Hirsch, The Lodestar Foundation
Shawn Bohen, Year Up
Jennifer Davis, National Center on Time & Learning
Melinda Tuan, Melinda Tuan Consulting
Stuart Davidson, Woodcock Foundation
Lee Zimmerman, Evergreen Lodge
Ken Berger, Charity Navigator
Andrew Wolk, Root Cause

Mobile Technology:
Alison Bloch
Nigel Waller, Movirtu
Guy Kamgaing, Mobile XL
Tatyana Mamut, IDEO
Nick Ellis, JobRooster

Food Systems:
Melanie Cheng, Om Organics
Michael Dimock, Roots of Change
Debra Tropp, USDA
Cheryl Dahle, Future of Fish/Oceans Plus
Jose Corona, Inner City Advisors
Joseph McIntyre, Ag Innovations Network
Jeff Steen, Ecosa Capital & citrus farmer
Juliet Christian-Smith, Pacific Institute
Ricardo Bayon, EKO Asset Managemnet Partners
Dave Rochlin, ClimatePath
Eric Hahn, Locavore Foods
Haile Johnston, Common Market
Bion Bartning, Basis Foods
Jeff Randol, Cornerstone Ventures
John Fisk, Wallace Center & National Good Food Network
Deborah Hirsh, The Hoop Fund
Marty Diamond, AlterEco
Jerry Knecht, Bali Seafood International
Barton Seaver, Blue Ocean Institute & National Geographic Society
Pam Marrone, Marrone Innovations
Art Lange, Trimble
Andy Furner, Trace Register
Erin Hughes, Winrock International
Kate Seely, FarmsReach

Innovation in International Development:
David Hodgson, Ideahive
Shashi Buluswar, Dalberg
Kevin Braithwaite, RootSpace
Uma Viswanathan, Nouvelle Vie Haiti
David Lehr, Mercy Corps
Jocelyn Wyatt, IDEO
Joe Speicher, Living Goods

New Money:
Daniel Epstein, Unreasonable Institute
Kim Scheinberg, Presumed Abundance
Dorjee Sun, Carbon Conservation
Joy Anderson, Criterion
Jeri Eckhart-Queenan, Bridespan
Nora Sobolov, Community Forward Fund
Tim Dramain, SiG
Emily Bolton, Social Finance

Impact Investing:
Drew Tulchin, SEEP
Keely Stevenson, Bamboo Finance
Harold Rosen, Grassroots Business Fund
Lindsay Clinton, Intellecap
Charly Kleissner, Toniic
Morgan Simon, Toniic
Deval Sanghavi, Dasra
Don Shaffer, RSF
Gerhard Pries, Sarona Asset Management
Ron Cordes, Genworth Financial
Dave Chen, Equilibrium Capital
Mitchell Strauss, OPIC
Julie Sunderland, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Metrics and Systems Thinking:
Kevin Starr, Mulago Foundation
Beth Richardson, B Corp
Gina Rodolico, E&Co
Kelly McCarthy, WRI
Lindsey Anderson, ANDE
Sarah Gelfand, GIIN
Laura Callanan, McKinsey
Jon Kolko, Austin Center for Design

SOCAP10 will consist of the many sessions you see below, and more will be added in the coming weeks. Register now to participate in these exciting discussions!

Tactical Philanthropy:
Decriminalizing Fundraising
Scaling Social Impact
Individual Donors Practicing Unconstrained Philanthropy
Understanding & Overcoming Barriers to Impact Investing
When to Invest & When to Give
Nonprofit Analysis: Beyond Metrics

Mobile Technology:
Mobile 101
Horizon Gazing & the Future of Mobile
Building the Case: From Idea to Inception
Investment Opportunities in Mobile
Game Changers in Emerging Markets
Behavior Change: The Power of Mobile to Transform Our Actions

Food Systems:
Lay of the Land: Systemic Problems, Creative Solutions
Bare Essentials: Healthy Ecosystems & Ecosystem Services
Logistics is Sexy: Regional Food Systems & Infrastructure
Going Global: Building Fair Trade Markets
Ag Tech: Bio-Solutions, Precision Ag, Traceability & Marketplaces
Creative Financing – Lessons Learned & Strategy Session

Innovation in International Development:
Exploring the Future: Innovation in 21st Century International Development
Where the Action Is: The Fastest Growing Industries & Markets
It Takes a Village: Innovation From the Ground Up
Taking It to the Next Level: Designing to Scale
Investing for Peace: Deploying Capital in Conflict Zones & Fragile States
Growing the Biosphere Economy: Investing in Natural Assets for Human Security

New Money:
Being Unreasonable: New Ways of Looking at Funding, Pitching & Incubating Entrepreneurs
Social Impact Bonds: Financial Innovation Tackles Root Causes
The Rise of CDFIs
Energy Financing
Thinking About the People in the People, Planet & Profit Model
Fertile Ground: Investment Vehicles Using a Gender Lens & Engaging Women Investors

Impact Investing:
Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Large Raises in the Social Enterprise Space
High Engagement Approaches to Impact Investing
Moving the Traditional Investor Into the Social Space
Avoiding Headline Risk: Transparency in Financing Development, Investment Returns & Interest Rates
Deep Dive of a Deal: Root Capital
Capitalizing the Green Jobs Movement
Innovative Education Finance Platforms
Measuring Impact Through Cutting Costs and Increasing Margins

Metrics and Systems Thinking:
Mobilizing Gen Y: Future Leaders and Funders
Design for the Bottom Billion
How Does the Impact Investing Industry Think About Metrics & Impact?
Formalizing Educational Strategies that Leverage Design
Social Assessment Through a Learning Lens

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