Announcing the SOCAP24 Agenda — Going Deeper: Catalyzing Systems Change!

Mission Driven Organizations Want More in Thier 401(k) Plans.

Megan McFadden October 6, 2010

More often mission driven organizations are adding Environmental, Social and Governance screens to mutual funds in their retirement plans. United Universalist Association even fired Fidelity over their position on investing in Sudan – they refused to divest (read more here). Social(k) is the leading provider for sustainable and responsible companies who actually want employees to feel good about saving for their future. Imagine asking a socialk worker to invest in a mutual fund that holds Wakenhut or Haliburton. Would employees of an organic farm or certifier want Monsanto to be a major holding in most of their fund options? As businesses engage customers on issues of sustainability they are realizing the same efforts are required for employee benefits. The norm no longer works. Learn more by watching this video or by visiting

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