Call for Social Capital Challenges

SOCAP July 25, 2011

SOCAP Participants:
I will be hosting a Capital Ideas panel on Thursday September 8th as part of the Money, Meaning and Impacts track at SOCAP. The idea is for SOCAP participants to submit live “problems” which they are facing in either finding appropriate social capital or in allocating capital. We will then choose some of the problems for our panel of investment experts (along with the audience) to tackle in real time. We want to emphasize collaboration and creativity to connect social capital with the right opportunities.
So if you are a social entrepreneur looking for social capital or an impact investor who has a challenge in allocating your capital to the right opportunities, please submit a 1-page description of your “problem” to The deadline for submissions is August 19th.
We think this will be a fun and informative way to move the social capital market forward.
Steve Godeke

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