Green 2.0 Linkages: Investing, Business and Conservation

Liz Krueger July 28, 2011

SOCAP brings together diverse perspectives, and the Green 2.0 track is no exception. Take our opening Green 2.0 panel, which includes leaders from investing, business and conservation:

It was thinking about how clean tech investing, sustainable business and conservation development are changing that spurred the definition of the Green 2.0 track. Green 2.0 requires more systems thinking, putting things all together to create sustainable solutions. Now we’re bringing together some leading participants in these areas; but what are the linkages and how do they add value together?
One potential area for value creation is in the connections between people and the planet. The culture of people and linkages to nature is at the heart of biocultural diversity and Ken’s work. Both Jeffrey and Diana are working to improve positive loops between people and the environment through business and investment. Each has experience that can likely help the other, and help all of us begin to create better ways of doing conservation, business and investing. We need to find the connections across sectors: those that exist and those that need to be created and funded.
What are the links that will emerge in conversation on this panel? I don’t know. That will be co-created by you with Diana, Jeffrey and Ken at SOCAP.
If you’d like to discuss these linkages and Green 2.0 sooner, please mark your calendar for a Twitter chat on August 9th at 11 AM PST/2 PM EST. You can also watch for updates on Twitter (@elizlk, #green2, #socap11) and on the SOCAP11 Pathable site


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