Announcing the SOCAP24 Agenda — Going Deeper: Catalyzing Systems Change!

Igniting a Global Community of Impact Investors

SOCAP Guest Writer August 31, 2011

* This is a guest post by Martha “Pati” Ruiz Corzo, Director of Grupo Ecologico Sierra Gorda
The planetary emergency cannot be subject to financial whims, or to short term vision which focuses only on immediate gains. There is a new generation of investors who have the vision to invest their resources in the planet’s capacity for life, in this way preserving natural capital whose services make life possible and is a blessing to us all.
To seek intangible returns that are higher pleasures for those who look further beyond the material towards the transcendental, to leave a footprint in their journey through life that has not conformed to modern society and its values. To have the pleasure of sharing, to come up with answers for a world ravaged by hurt and injustice, to invest our resources and have the satisfaction of a clean conscience and to be able to look our children and grand children in the eye and to know that our bequest was not just the deplorable state of the planet. Rather that we were able to reset our current course and reinvent new values so that in the future those intangible entities will be abundant. This will allow us to have gone through life and been different from the unconscious collective that has been oblivious to the changes of our planet.  We are trapped in the bleak conditions of a world which offers no more than a negative outlook for those of us who love the myriad forms of life with which we share our home.
Only with actions from the heart, and allowing ourselves to be guided by the love and sensitivity in our higher consciousness, can we escape the yoke of selfishness, the ownership of things that does us so many disservices as a society and is the sorry spectacle of modern life.

Impact Investing
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