Announcing the SOCAP24 Agenda — Going Deeper: Catalyzing Systems Change!

SOCAP is proud to partner with SocMetrics

SOCAP August 29, 2011
Socmetrics helps agencies and brands identify and engage topical influencers.

  • Influence Is Relative (to every topic and niche)

    Sure Justin Bieber is popular, but would you trust him with a tip on a budget-friendly family vacation, a CRM solution, or a retirement plan?

  • Everyone Can Be An Influencer

    So maybe you’re not a Rock star, not with a guitar anyway. But we know many rockstars in their own genre. There are rockstars in Food, rockstars in Travel, rockstars in Biotech, and rockstars in Cloud Computing. Influencers come in all colors, shapes and sizes, and are tied together by one thing- Passion (and deep knowledge) about the topics they care about.

  • Numbers Lie, So Look Beyond the Surface

    See that ‘nobody’ in that corner of the blogosphere? With “only” 200 twitter followers and a tiny blog readership? What do you know, it turns out that Whole Foods, Martha Stewart and Rocco Dispirito are fans. And that blogger says, in the immortal words of The Contours, “Do you love me, now that I can dance?”

  • Influence is Not a Toy

    We’re grateful to everyone in the space for bringing attention to it, respect. Our focus, though, is on people’s natural behavior. We want to create win-wins, where influencers in niche topics hear about things they care about, and innovative companies making good products are rewarded with greater word of mouth and social attention. We’re not going to give you points for it, sorry. We don’t want to warp behavior. Do what you do, we already love you for it.

>>> Learn more about SocMetrics here


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