Connected: An Autoblogography about Love, Death & Technology

SOCAP Global September 21, 2011
Have you ever faked a restroom trip to check your email? Slept with your laptop? Or become so overwhelmed that you just unplugged from it all? In the funny and inspiring Sundance-award winning film Connected: An Autoblogography About Love, Death & Technology, director Tiffany Shlain takes audiences on an exhilarating rollercoaster ride to discover what it means to be connected in the 21st century.
A founder of The Webby Awards and a proponent for The National Day of Unplugging, Shlain’s love/hate relationship with technology serves as the springboard for a thrilling exploration of modern life…and our interconnected future. Equal parts documentary and memoir, the film unfolds during a year in which technology and science literally become a matter of life and death for the director. As Shlain’s father battles brain cancer and she confronts a high-risk pregnancy, her very understanding of connection is challenged at every turn. Using a brilliant mix of animation, archival footage, and home movies, Shlain reveals the surprising ties that link us not only to the people we love but also to the world at large. A personal film with universal relevance, Connected explores how, after centuries of declaring our independence, it may be time for us to declare our interdependence instead.

The film opens in theaters, including San Francisco’s Landmark Embarcadero, on September 16. You can take part in the global conversation about interactivity and productivity and share the trailer via Facebook and Twitter (#ConnectedFilm @tiffanyshlain).
You can view Tiffany’s speech at SOCAP11 here
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