Civic Ventures: Putting people at the center of change

SOCAP Global November 4, 2012

In an ever-more-connected world facing the reality of constrained resources, civic engagement is an increasingly emerging thread in the social capital markets. From platforms for advocacy and volunteerism that enable people to take more control of their communities, to civic engagement innovations that address a political process that both sides feel is broken, to collaborative consumption models that help communities do more with less, come learn from entrepreneurs looking to put people at the center of change. This highly interactive panel features Michelle Nunn, CEO of Points of Light, the world’s largest volunteerism organization; Kyle Azevedo, Co-Founder, ViaCycle, which enables bike-sharing in order to build more sustainable communities;Ben Rattray, founder of Change.Org, which has ended human rights abuses in emerging markets and ATM fees in the US based off citizen initiative: and Ross Baird, Executive Director of Village Capital, which enables communities of peers to allocate seed investments.

Civic Ventures: Putting people at the center of change

Impact Investing / Social Entrepreneurship
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