To Franchise or not to Franchise – International Replication Demystified

SOCAP Global November 1, 2012

Scaling organizational impact through replication is the objective of many social enterprises, but how is this best achieved? Join a conversation between Nicolas Hazard of Groupe SOS (a leading European social enterprise comprised of 280 organizations in France and abroad) and Dan Berelowitz (founder of the newly formed International Centre for Social Franchising) to explore the full range of replication possibilities. Nicolas will share how Groupe SOS has managed to achieve unprecedented growth ($750M annual revenue and more than 10,000 employees) and strong positive social impact, and how they are successfully replicating their crème de la crème models across the globe. Dan will map out the state of social franchising the world over, exploring the range of different approaches and the opportunities and risks they present.

To Franchise or not to Franchise - International Replication Demystified

Social Entrepreneurship
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