Compostmodern 2013, March 22-23 in San Francisco

SOCAP January 30, 2013

Friday, March 22, 2013 – Saturday, March 23, 2013
Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, CA

The world is changing. Fast. And the systems we rely on—ecological, political, social, educational, financial—are struggling to keep pace, crumbling under the increasing weight of these very challenging times.
In turn, we must ask a very important question: If our present systems are struggling to adapt to change, how can we create more resilient systems that bend, but don’t break?
That’s the issue at the heart of Compostmodern, the bi-annual sustainability and design conference that’s being produced this year by Sarah Brooks, Hot’s Director of Social Innovation.
Why Resilience?
Resilient systems embrace change, rather than resisting it—they morph, bounce back, and continue to develop. They’re flexible, redundant by design, and locally tuned, offering the potential to work in harmony with both our environment and our societies.
Increasingly, designers are beginning to look at resilient systems as tools that can help us re-envision how to make the world work better for everyone. And some early examples of resilient design are already showing its massive potential to create changes that better the lives of people and the planet.
Some of the best thinkers in the world
Over the course of two quick-moving, inspirational days, Compostmodern’s incredible roster of artists, visual designers, brand strategists, interaction designers, product designers, architects, futurists, sustainability consultants, intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs from across the public, private and nonprofit sectors will explore the cutting-edge of work surrounding Resilient design.
Ezio Manzini, the Italian design strategist and expert in sustainable design, will offer the opening keynote. Closing remarks will be supplied by John Thackara, the provocative writer and thinker and founder of The Doors of PerceptionEve Blossom, founder of Lulan and we’ve, and experience design pioneer Nathan Shedroff will ably serve as emcees. Cheryl HellerDavid McConville, and Tiffany Shlain are just a few of the wonderful speakers already added to Compostmodern’s program.
Unique format
Presentations at Compostmodern are brief (approximately 17 minutes and 10 minutes) and contain all-new info. You won’t be hearing material recycled from other conferences. The presentations also last for just the first day, while Day Two is devoted to a hands-on workshop intended to help put into action the lessons of the first day. Ultimately, the goal of Compostmodern is for attendees to leave inspired and empowered to begin applying concepts of resilience to their personal and professional lives.
In the age of conferences that cost as much as a Rolex, affordability is no small matter. And Compostmodern is very affordable.
Learn more
Interested in Compostmodern? Then be sure to check out the website (designed and built by Hot!) to find all the details you could ever desire. Running March 22-23 at San Francisco’s Palace of Fine Arts, the conference promises to be a wonderful event, and we sure hope to see you there.
Impact Investing / Social Entrepreneurship
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