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'Think Beyond Plastic' Competition for $50k & $10k Prizes – Apply by March 18

SOCAP Global February 13, 2013

The Plastic Pollution Coalition is thrilled to announce the international Think Beyond Plastic competition, an annual contest to challenge entrepreneurs to develop products or solutions that will measurably reduce plastic pollution. Eligible contestants will compete for a first prize investment of $50,000 for an existing business, and $10,000 investment for the most innovative business idea. The winning contestants will have a viable business infrastructure in addition to a remarkable product, material or infrastructure service. Submissions are due March 18th.
The contest will be juried by leaders in industry and science including Eben Bayer (Ecovative), Mike Biddle (MBA Polymers), Julie Corbett (Ecologic), Adam Lowry (Method), Dr. Ramani Narayan, Mike Velings (A-Spark Good Ventures) and Adam Werbach (Yerdle).
The presentation of awards and the final public event will take place at the Think Beyond Plastic annual conference in June in Berkeley, CA, in front of an audience of entrepreneurs, investors, journalists and thought leaders.
Think Beyond Plastic, a project of the Plastic Pollution Coalition, is dedicated to fostering a spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation in addressing the plastic pollution crisis.
Plastic pollution is a problem that the world has just begun to understand. It is massive and urgent. Recycling is not an adequate solution to the increasing consumption of disposable plastic. We seek solutions that will support the call to reduce the planetary plastic footprint. Please feel free to reach out to with any questions.

Impact Investing / Social Entrepreneurship / Sustainable Development
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