SOCAP13 Themes Preview!

SOCAP Global May 22, 2013

Everywhere we look, the breadth of opportunities to accelerate the good economy are undeniable – we see it on SOCAP Open and hear it in our conversations at the HUB. And while SOCAP celebrates richness in breadth, we also know the value in providing depth on both foundational themes and emerging areas of importance.
With that, the SOCAP team is excited to announce our 5 core themes for SOCAP13:

  • SOCAP: Health – Investing in Health and Well-Being
  • SOCAP: Meaning – Connecting Mission to Me
  • SOCAP: Communities – Place-Based Innovation and Development
  • SOCAP: Investing – Impact Investing and Philanthropy
  • SOCAP: Oceans – Investing in the Link between People & Planet

In addition to our 5 core themes, we’ll offer focused exploration on the role of art and faith in ways that we’ve never done in the past. And inevitably, our themes will be threaded with trends and innovations in technology, media and design.
Stay tuned for in-depth information on this year’s themes; in the meantime, if you or someone you know are innovating in these core areas, please submit a session idea via SOCAP Open (June 17th deadline).

Impact Investing / Social Entrepreneurship
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