Announcing the SOCAP24 Agenda — Going Deeper: Catalyzing Systems Change!

Building a Marketplace that Includes You – Join us at SOCAP16

SOCAP February 2, 2016

blog-image-SOCAP16Whether you are new to impact investing or have been to every SOCAP, your voice is critical to building the marketplace for social impact. We are extending our Black Box ticket (a whopping $700 off the full price) through this Friday because our goal is to convene the most diverse, inclusive, cross-sector set of stakeholders to accelerate the market at the intersection of money and meaning.
We believe in the big tent: that engaging a wide variety of stakeholders in robust conversation is what has propelled impact investing so far so fast, and is what will keep it from becoming insular or stagnant. It isn’t about getting “the right people” in a closed room, but rather facilitating the connections of valuable strangers who will create new opportunities and grow the marketplace. SOCAP is what you make of it, because you are the market and your participation impacts the conversation.
The price of SOCAP can be prohibitive for many of the valuable voices we aim to convene. In addition to keeping our lowest price available for an extra week, we’re also negotiating room blocks at hotels around San Francisco and will post those in the coming weeks. To increase accessibility, we provide scholarships to over 150 entrepreneurs every year, and bring on over a hundred volunteers – their contributions to the conference are invaluable. We ask our speakers to pay for their tickets (at a discounted speaker rate) because we’re all building this together, and the audience is as valuable to the conversation as those on stage.
SOCAP is a marketplace, made stronger by increased access and diverse participation. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or investor, working through the public sector or the private sector, we hope you’ll join us for three days of illuminating content and valuable networking at SOCAP16!
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September 13-16, 2016

Fort Mason, San Francisco

This extended sale ends on Friday, February 5th at midnight. Click here to claim your spot today!


Impact Investing / Social Entrepreneurship
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