Press Highlights from SOCAP16

SOCAP October 11, 2016

Over 100 members of the press attended SOCAP16, from all around the world. They came to document this community in action, and to uncover the brightest new ideas and deepest insights from on, and off, the SOCAP stage.
SOCAP is filled with thought leaders, entrepreneurs, investors, and new entrants to the fields of social enterprise and impact investing, and is where many impact organizations share leading news and breakthrough ideas. Each year in San Francisco it is our privilege to convene the most compelling voices and stories from the impact economy, which produces a treasure trove of material for any journalist or blogger interested in the growing marketplace at the intersection of money and meaning.
SOCAP16 is three weeks behind us, and we’re still tallying the results. At the time of this post, SOCAP16 has been mentioned in over 200 articles. And while we don’t have the space to list all of the coverage received, we hope you’ll enjoy some of these press highlights from SOCAP16.
“Social Entrepreneurs Say They Face Tough Hurdles but Making Headway,” via Thomson Reuters Foundation News
“Introducing SOCAP Goes Local #Localize,” via Real Leaders
“The Passion of Impact Investing,” via Huffington Post
“This New Accelerator Is Funding Projects That Fix The Systemic Issues Of Our Cities,” via Fast Company
“Oincs App Connects Citizens Sharing Updates About Potholes, Garbage And Traffic Cops,” via Forbes
“SOCAP16 – Views From a Reformed Conference Cynic,” via LinkedIn Pulse
“SOCAP16: Changing the World Through Impact Investing,” via Huffington Post
“Can Financial Products Improve the Lives of Poor People?” via Fortune
“Revisiting SOCAP-More Momentum and a Higher Bar,” Alliance Magazine
“Success for Women Entrepreneurs in Poor Countries Means Enlisting Men – Activists,” via Thomson Reuters Foundation News
“SOCAP16 and the Continued Evolution of Impact Investing” via Nonprofit Quarterly
“Reaching Your Potential Through Partnerships: Lessons Learned from SOCAP 2016,” via Huffington Post
“SOCAP 2016: A New Chapter,” via Case Foundation  
“SOCAP: Hub of Impact,” via Huffington Post  
“Hippies vs. Capitalists at SOCAP, Data (and Honors) for Social Entrepreneurs and a ‘What’ for WHO,” via Next Billion
“Burn Your Dollar: Taking Impact Investing to Burning Man and Bringing the Playa to SOCAP,” via Impact Alpha

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