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For Conscious Businesses: Lawyers that Speak Your Language

J Kim Wright June 30, 2017

Welcome to the Conscious Legal Corner!  From choice of entity to stock offerings; from operating documents to rules and regulations; employee policies to conflict resolution models; trademark, copyright, and media to zoning, the legal system shapes what you can do and how you can do it. Conscious businesses need legal advice that fits their purpose and values.

What is Integrative Law?

In this column, over the coming months, we’ll introduce a more conscious approach to law, including a movement in law called Integrative Law. Integrative law shares many of the values of the the conscious business movement. Integrative lawyers are values-based, purpose-driven, and systemic thinkers, operating in a more integral consciousness.

All lawyers are trained in substantive law (cases, statutes, regulations) and legal process (procedures, norms, policies). To that basic legal training, integrative lawyers add a broader skill set. Emotional and spiritual intelligence, the dynamics of conflict, plain language drafting, and (for some) even subtle energy skills are just some of the tools in many integrative law toolboxes. Integrative lawyers operate as bridges between the conventional rule-based, profit-motivated legal and economic models and the newer conscious, purpose and values based, holistic business and social models.

Approaching law from a broader mindset, integrative lawyers are problem-solvers and focused on building sustainable relationships. We care about relationships: our relationships with our clients, your relationships with your stakeholders, and our relationships with society and the planet.

What You’ll Find in the Conscious Legal Corner

This column will highlight many integrative lawyers as we explore common legal questions for conscious businesses. We will address the substantive and procedural law as well as the larger context from which the question arises.

This column is intended to help you understand basic legal concepts, but it is NOT legal advice. The answer to every legal question is, “It depends.”  State laws vary. Legal precedents change and have exceptions. For real legal advice, you should develop a relationship with a lawyer who knows you and your business and is licensed in your jurisdiction.

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