Announcing the SOCAP24 Agenda — Going Deeper: Catalyzing Systems Change!

News: 64 SOCAP Open Sessions Selected for SOCAP17

SOCAP August 4, 2017

We have selected a record-breaking 64 SOCAP Open sessions for presentation at the 2017 Social Capital Markets Conference. This was the strongest collection of SOCAP Open proposals we have ever received, with over 375 ideas sent in by our community members in total. We are grateful for all of you who shared your ideas and voted. After reviewing all proposals, tallying all votes, and consulting our advisory panel, the following 64 sessions were selected for presentation at the Fort Mason Center in October:
Bridges Not Walls: Interdependence Powering Greater Impact in North America and Beyond
Debate: Does Capacity-Building Support Distort the Market?
Changing the Narrative for Women Entrepreneurs
How to Embed and Ensure Impact, Legally
All You Wanted to Know About Impact Investing Communications (And Had No One to Ask)
“Entrepreneur Friendly” Investors: Do They Really Exist?
The Linchpin That’s Missing in Local Economies
Online Education 3.0: Promise for Future Breakthroughs
Bridging the Funding Gap and Opportunities for Cross-Border Impact Investors in China
Forget Net Zero: It’s Time to Invest in Negative Carbon
Community Banks as Innovators? How Partnerships are Changing Neighborhood Economics
Entrepreneurship and Access to Finance in Africa: Expectations from Investors and Steps Toward Partnerships
Unlocking the Power of Capital for Systemic Change
Home Matters: The Impact of an Affordable Place to Live
Innovations in Play-Based Learning in Early Childhood
What’s the Use of Failure?
How Blockchain Will Change the Way We Invest for Impact
Transforming INGO Business Models: Role of Market Based Solutions and Impact Investing
The Promise of Carbon Farming – Leveraging Investment to Balance the Climate
The War on Financial Instability: Building a Movement
Untapped Potential: Investing in Low-Income Housing Developers in Africa and Asia
Making Maker Cities
Mind the Gap – The Mechanics of Achieving Development Goals with Blended Finance
Driving Solutions to Scale in the Education Sector
Impact Investing in Conflict Regions
Amplifying Impact Through Shareholder Engagement for Individuals & Advisors
India vs. America: Who Does Impact Investing Better?
Business Models for Sparking Agricultural Development in Emerging Markets
SME Financing: Why Are We Making So Little Progress?
The Future is Finance: Harnessing Investment for Impact
A Test of Our Humanity: Investing in Human Rights
Transforming Impact Intermediaries
Better Measures: Assessing Community Need, Social Impact and Financial Return in Impact Investments
How Can Income Sharing Become the Future of Financing for Education?
SDGs and Financing Universal Energy Access: Is Impact Investing Too Hot, Too Cold or Just Right?
Neighborhood Placemaking is the Remedy to “Unnatural Causes” Affecting Health
Don’t Be Afraid of the Big Guys – The Power of Collaboration with Mobile Operators
The $2.5 Trillion Challenge Hanging in our Closets: Can the Fashion Industry Become a Source for Good?
Social Media: The New Shareholder Activism
Should We Get Political?
Scaling Impact in Emerging Markets via Local Funds
Making the Law Work for Social Entrepreneurs
Innovations in Financing Development Programs in Low Resource Countries to Achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
The Front Line: How Millennials are Shaping Solutions to Tackle Climate Change
Civil Investing: Social Capital Addressing the Civic Media Crisis
The Other “Capital”: How Impact Investors Can Help Portfolio Companies Tackle Human Capital Challenges
Accelerators and Access to Finance: What New Evidence Tells Us
Investing with Purpose: Building Sustainable Livelihoods for Coffee Farmers
Gender Inclusion in Clean Energy and Sustainable Agriculture Value Chains
The Data Conundrum
Leveraging Technology to Promote Transformation of Education Systems Around the World
Remember Your First Time? What I Wish I’d Known Then! Lessons Learned from Fund Managers in Launching a First Fund
Accelerating the NGO: Using Accelerator Models to Drive Impact in Global Development
Investing in the Resistance
The Rise of Impact Seed Funds
Strategies for Change: Using Finance to Address Domestic and Gender Based Violence
Off Wall Street: The Democratization of Impact-First Investing
Radical Generosity: Changing the Face of Venture Capital
We’re All Getting Older! Social Entrepreneurship Challenges & Opportunities in the Aging Economy
Applying Exponential Technologies to Achieve Zero Hunger
Supporting Sustainable SME Development in Emerging Markets
Financing a Food Waste Free Future: Emerging Approaches to Funding Solutions
Investing in Affordable Housing for Financial Return and Impact Across the Capital Stack

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These SOCAP Open sessions will appear alongside our Guest Curated Spotlight Sessions and additional sessions curated by the SOCAP content team. The selected SOCAP Open organizers are now working with our content team to produce their sessions. SOCAP Open titles and descriptions may change from what you see here as these sessions are developed. Get your SOCAP17 Ticket to join us in San Francisco in October to see the full final concept brought to life on stage.     
If you missed your opportunity to submit a proposal this year, or if your idea was not selected, we encourage you to try again in 2018. We firmly believe that featuring content created and produced by our community is key to our impact, relevance, and meaning. Sign up for the SOCAP Newsletter to get advance notice of SOCAP application dates and conference news.

Equity and Inclusion / Impact Investing / Social Entrepreneurship / Sustainable Development
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