Announcing the SOCAP24 Agenda — Going Deeper: Catalyzing Systems Change!

Meet Issue 15: The Conscious Company Industry Guide

Rachel Zurer September 1, 2017

When we talk amongst our team about the conscious business movement, we sometimes compare it to the state of computers and information technology circa, say, 1998. It’s a giant wave that’s coming, and with a host of early adopters already riding it, experimenting all the way. But many people whose lives it could hugely affect don’t know much about it, and those early adopters still lack key centralized resources to accelerate the flow of information and coordinate with each other. Or, to paraphrase author William Gibson: the future of business is already here — it’s just not evenly distributed.

Thus it was with two goals in mind that we created a special industry guide for Issue 15, September / October 2017:

  1. Help orient the curious
  2. Help empower the invested

Whether you’re considering a transition to a more conscious business mindset or are already a committed practitioner, inside the guide you’ll find plenty of practical tools and inspiration for creating a thriving workplace culture, growing your leadership, creating wins for all stakeholders, and more. 

We’ll be posting most of the articles here within the coming weeks; in the meantime, you can also subscribe to the print product (not too late to get this issue!), buy a copy of this print issue online or in a local store, or get instant digital access via the Zinio newsstand.

Read on for more about what’s inside. And thanks for your interest in joining the early adopters!

2017 Conscious Company Industry Guide



Defining “Conscious Business”: What is a Conscious Company?


The Conscious Company Glossary




Infographic: The Business Case for Going Conscious


Dr. Victor Strecher on the Incredible Power of Purpose

Online bonus: How to Find Your Personal Purpose




Key Players: Industry Groups and Leading Companies


Interface Global’s Jay Gould on Transforming Companies by Finding Values




Diana Chapman on the Power of Conscious Leadership


11 Ways to Evolve Your Business, By Raj Sisodia

Stakeholder Capitalism
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