We have selected a record-breaking 78 SOCAP Open sessions for SOCAP18!
This was the largest number of SOCAP Open proposals we have ever received, with over 427 ideas submitted by you, the members of our SOCAP community. Thank you for sharing your ideas and for voting and commenting on proposals. We are grateful to you for helping to shape the conversations that will take place at SOCAP18.
After reviewing all proposals, tallying all votes, and consulting our advisory panel, the following sessions were selected for presentation at the conference this October:
A User’s Guide to Impact Investing Using Donor-Advised Funds
Affordable Housing with Opportunity Zones
Africa’s Youth Explosion and What it Means for Employment and Opportunity
All the Tools in Your Toolbox: Using Blended Capital Strategically for Impact
An Investment that Works: Employment Social Enterprise
At the Intersection of Participation and Impact Investment: New Ways Forward
Beyond the SIB: Integrating an Outcomes Based Financing View Across Development Projects
Big Data & Transparency
Blended Finance for Impact: How Innovative Financing Models Can Bring New Investors to Reproductive Health and Justice in the U.S.
Blended Finance in Sustainable Fisheries Development
Breaking the Paradigm of the 10x Return
Building a Just, Equitable, Sustainable Food Economy
Building Social Entrepreneurship Around the World
Building the Team Behind the Entrepreneur
Can FinTech Truly Change the Financial System for Good?
Collaboration > Competition: Creating the ICM Network
Collective Voices Beyond #MeToo: Session 1
Collective Voices Beyond #MeToo: Session 2
Conservation Finance: Investing in Nature
Creative Tensions: Investment & Impact
Creative Workspaces and Quality Jobs
Data-Directing the Flow of Opportunity Zones Investments: An Investigative Session
Do The Right Thing: Fiduciary Duty, Divestment and the Law
Entering the Land of Oz: Welcome to the World of Opportunity Zones and Opportunity Funds
Focus on Women Led Impact Funds
Framing Impact through a Systems Lens: An Action-Oriented Approach
From Ex Post to Ex Ante: The State of Underwriting for Impact
Getting in the Zone: Helping Entrepreneurs Tap into Opportunity Zones to Build Jobs & Community
Getting to Yes: Activating Partnerships in Africa
Got $25? $25 million? Why and how every woman in the world can (and should) invest in women… and make money!
How to de-risk and increase early-stage investments into climate entrepreneurs and solutions
Informal Workers: The Front Lines of Enabling Circular Economies
Innovative Investment Partnerships for Climate Resilient Agriculture in Africa
Innovative Investment Structures for Innovative Business Models
Innovative Public Private Finance Partnerships for Low Carbon Economies
Intersection between Impact and Real Estate Private Equity
Investing in Climate-Smart Agriculture
Investing in the Building Blocks for Digital Inclusion: an ecosystem perspective on the commercial and social opportunities of extending connectivity
Leadership Development for Capacity Building in the Social Sector
Leveraging Public/Private Investment for ‘Almost’ Capital-Ready Food and Ag Businesses
Minimum Viable Ecosystem: Case Studies on Cultivating Local Impact Ecosystems in U.S. Cities
Moving from ‘Good Impact Deals’ to ‘Systems Change’
Native American Social Impact Investing
Neighborhood Placemaking is the Remedy to “Unnatural Causes” Affecting Health Revisited
No More Incrementalism: Financial Products That Drive Bold & Measurable Social & Economic Change
Participatory Simulation: Building an Impact Portfolio
People-Powered Development: Creating Inclusive Neighborhoods Without Displacement
Pioneering Social Enterprise Solutions for Refugees and Trafficking Survivors
Private Debt: Unlocking Sustainable Impact in Emerging Markets
Promoting Impact Investing in Small Markets
Renewables in Africa: From Talk to Action
Rethinking Investability in Rural America: Models for Overcoming Capacity & Capital Absorption Challenges
Sexual and Gender Based Violence as an Investment Risk
Shaping the Future of Impact Investing – Setting the Bar for Impact Measurement and Management
SIBs 2.0 – The Impact Security | Case Study: The Last Mile Impact Security Deal
Social Investment Opportunities with Indigenous Communities
Stories of Leading Impact Investors: How does Christian faith influence the personal journey in impact investing?
Sustainability Tools for Impact Entrepreneurs: Ensuring the Solutions of Today Don’t Become the Problems of Tomorrow
Tackling Investment Risks from Land Issues
Telling Complex Impact Stories that Resonate
The Best of Us for the Rest of Us
The Cards are Stacked Against Black America. We Can Change The Game.
The Cocoa Blend
The Financial Cooperative: Building a More Just and Regenerative Economy
The Future is Blended: What Does that Mean for Women?
The Invisible Hand That Feeds? Leveraging Markets to Serve Base of Pyramid Customers in the Clean Cooking Sector
The Next Big Idea: Food Waste Innovation Demo Day
The Role of Documentary Film in Gender Equity and Social Impact
The Truth About Why it’s Tough to Help the Missing Middle
The Women Who are Leading Tech-enabled Solutions for Migration
Tools for Scaling Social Ventures
Transforming Landscapes: From Innovation to Scale
Transforming Real World Industries in the Digital Age
Transforming the Built Landscape Legacy
Unlikely Partnerships and their Potential to Improve the Immigration Crisis
What To Expect When You Are Expecting… Impact Exits
Why We Crowdsourced 500 New Investors Online
Open session organizers are now working with the SOCAP content team to further develop and produce their panels and workshops. Titles and descriptions may change somewhat from the original proposals.
How to Participate in a SOCAP Open Session
Please join us at the Fort Mason Center this October for the opportunity to engage with these ideas and participate in the conversations they spark.
Get your ticket to SOCAP18 now to join us.
If the session you proposed was not selected, or if you were unable to submit an idea before the deadline, we encourage you to please try again next year. Sign up for the SOCAP Newsletter to get advance notice of Open submission dates for SOCAP19.