Burton snowboards put snowboarding on the map. In 2016, Donna Carpenter, who is the wife of founder Jake Burton and built Burton from the ground up alongside him, was elevated to the role of CEO of Burton. Despite not necessarily believing in herself at the beginning and having to be nudged into the role by Jake, Donna has seized the opportunity to take Burton to the next level. In this episode of World-changing Women, we’ll hear how Donna has increased the number of women in leadership at Burton from 10% to 45%, why she paid for her employees to attend the women’s march, and why she believes that business leaders should take a stand for things that they care about.
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Zahra Kassam, Founder and CEO of venture-backed start-up, Monti Kids, speaks at the 2019 Women’s Summit about being a mother, a Muslim woman and a founder + CEO
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Produced by Conscious Company Media and StoryPop Media