Announcing the SOCAP24 Agenda — Going Deeper: Catalyzing Systems Change!

Here Are The 86 SOCAP Open Sessions You Can Join at SOCAP19

SOCAP July 23, 2019

The votes have been counted, the experts on our advisory panel have weighed in, and our content team has made their final decisions. From the pool of 397 proposals we received this year, we have selected a record-breaking 86 SOCAP Open sessions for SOCAP19!
As always, we are grateful to all of you who sent in your session ideas and to everyone who voted and commented on proposals. Because we are committed to seeking out the most interesting, timely, and crucial session topics for SOCAP conversations, your ideas and your thoughts about those ideas really to shape the content that will be presented at SOCAP19.

Selected Sessions to Be Presented at SOCAP19

Cooperatives as a Catalyst for Empowerment and Racial Equity
The State of Alternative Ownership and Finance in US
Innovations in Blended Finance Structures that Invest in Prevention of Ocean Plastic, Sustainable Land Use, and Other Climate Solutions
How “Climate Finance” May Offer a Better Climate for Employing Blended Finance Approaches
Let’s Make a Deal: Structuring Blended Finance Deals for Impact
Disruption for your Denim: How to Build Sustainable Supply Chains in the Fashion Industry and Beyond
Talent Matching of the Future
Divide and Conquer and Also Probably Collaborate: The Case for Cross-Sectoral Outcomes-Based Funding
How to Embed a Gender Lens Across Your Portfolio
The Business Case for Gender Lens Investing: Calibrating Investor and Entrepreneur Expectations
Bringing the Equality Fund to Life: Creating a Global Gender-Lens Movement
Getting your Money Back: Fund Structuring for the Circular Flow of Capital
The New Movement of Financial Activists: Activating Capital & Courageous Leadership to Effect Systemic Change
Realizing the Potential of Results-Based Financing (RBF): How Can We Ensure RBF Models Such as Impact Bonds Fulfill their Promise to Improve Lives?
Within Reach: New Vehicles that Bridge Philanthropy and Impact Investing
Putting Impact at the Center of Due Diligence: How Investors Systematically Examine Expected Impact
Social Investment Opportunities with Indigenous Communities, Part II
Investing in Food Sovereignty: How Social Investors can Partner with Native Food Enterprises to Create Community Health and Wealth in Indian Country
Unlocking the Potential of Indigenous Communities: A Model to Mobilize Innovation and Opportunity
Investing in Indigenous Communities to Protect the Environment
The “Nuts And Bolts” of Native American Indigenous Investing in the U.S. (And the Intersection with Impact Investing)
The Innovative Finance Coalition: Building an Ecosystem for Social Finance in Latin America
Impact Investment for Faith-Based Community Development
OZ Tales from the Field
Inclusive Opportunity Zone Impact Investments for Community Development
People As Policy: Investing in State & Local Opportunity Zone “Deal Jockeys”
From Imagination to Impact: Investing In People, Place & Culture – A New Framework of Restorative Development
Creating Black Pathways: Closing The Racial Wealth Gap Through Tech, Education, and Financial Solutions
The Costly Cycle of Biased Investing
Inclusive Entrepreneurship in Arkansas: Using Innovative Training to Empower Women and People of Color to be Entrepreneurial Leaders.
Investment Returns, Policy Reform, and Societal Transformation – Harnessing the Power of Racial Equity to Build An Equitable Nation
Creating A New American Prosperity: Why investing in racial and economic inclusion are essential for a healthy economy
Connecting Founders of Color to Community and Capital
Eyes on the Prize: Reinvigorating Impact Investing by Returning to our Roots in the Civil Rights Struggle
How Can the Private Sector Support Refugees and Host Communities Globally?
Addressing the Humanitarian Aid Gap – Stories from Entrepreneurs Building Social Enterprises to Support Refugees
Digital Storytelling for Good: How to Leverage Film and Video to Enlighten and Activate
The Role of Media and Storytelling in Shifting People to Action
Carbon Smart Building: Decarbonizing the Built Environment
Can Happy Water Investors and Happy Rivers Co-exist in the American Southwest? Let’s Prove It.
Why Investing in Food Waste Means Investing in Food Equity
How To Empower Citizens And Communities To Act On Climate Through Social Entrepreneurship
Building & Scaling an Impact Organization in Water: an Imagine H2O conversation with Jennifer Schorsch – President,
The Best Impact Story You’ve Never Heard: Investing in Water
Increasing the Climate Resilience of Smallholder Agriculture Through Impact Investing
Climate Mitigation and Ag Investing: How Food Can Be as Big as Energy
What Does “Clean” Mean?: Examining the Alternative Meat and Protein Industry
Real Cow Power: How Grass-Fed Economies are Essential for a Return on Investment in Regenerative Agriculture
Putting Customers First: Using Client Data to Maximize Impact for Funds and Enterprises
2020’s $7 Billion Market: Technology Innovations for Strengthening Participation in Our Democracy
When Equity is a Bad Fit – The Youth Employment Challenge and Blended Finance
Support for the Supporters: Best practices for incubators and accelerators in Africa
Beyond the $$$: How Investing in Inspiration and Social Capital Creates More Collaborative Impact Ecosystems
Investing in Socially Responsible Artisanal & Small Scale Gold Mining (ASGM)
Driving Deeper Impact: The Value of the Non-Profit Social Enterprise Model
When Winners (Don’t) Take All: Narratives and Tools Aligning Public and Private Interests toward Economic Mobility
Financing a Future that Works: Lessons from Innovations in Education Finance
Government vs Private Sector: Is There a Better Scaling Partner for Digital Health Organizations?
Early Stage Investing in Emerging Markets – the Capital Market’s Perspective. How to Create Impact and Achieve Returns in a Highly Challenged Sector
Is Sharing the Answer? Experimentation in Community Commons and Equitable Enterprise
The Missing Middle in the LDCs: How to Fill A Persistent Funding Gap
Embracing the Impact-First Tradeoff: Using Low Cost Capital to Drive Deeper Impact
How Can Family Offices Catalyze Impact?
Scaling Impact and Resilience in Emerging Markets via Local Funds
Is it Possible to Invest in Workforce Technologies Without Going Broke?
Disrupting Power Dynamics: How Power Impedes Impact, and Opportunities for Change
What Does it Look Like to Build an Impact Portfolio Over 10 Years?: Case Studies from Investors After a Decade of Impact and Financial Returns.
Moving Beyond the Hype: What Is and Isn’t Working in Results-Based Finance for Health Outcomes
Saying No to Opioid Money is Not Enough: Bringing $60 Billion of Arts Organization Endowments Off the Sidelines for Impact investing
Translating Impact Intentions into Real Results
The State of Impact Measurement and Management: Perspectives from Standard Setters
Conscious Coupling: Ensuring Tech Does not Undermine Inclusion
Emerging Ecosystems: Are Mid-Size Cities the Next Hub for Social Enterprise?
Thinking Wrong to Amplify Impact
Restoring Dignity at Scale: Evidence-based Solutions in the Homeless Sector
Making Managers: Preparing social enterprises to scale more effectively
Walking a Mile in Their Shoes: An Experiential Networking Game Around Financial Exclusion and Resource Access
What is the Appropriate Role of Rigorous Impact Measurement in Impact Investing?
Stakeholders to Investors: The New Funding Model for NGOs and Social Enterprises
Financing the Frontier: The Catalytic Influence of Grant Capital
The Butterfly Effect: Fixing the Pioneer Gap Through Proximity + Philanthropy
Pay for Success 2.0: the Next Generation of Outcomes-based Funding
Corporate Financial Innovation and Impact Investing: Direct Investing, Supply Chain, and Accelerators
Disrupting and Scaling Affordable Housing Through Impact Investing and Mass Timber
Is My Impact Measurement and Management Good Enough? How Can I Improve? The Role of Independent Verification in Impact Management.

More Details to Come

We have notified all selected session organizers and they are already working to develop these panels and workshops. As speakers are confirmed and organizers refine their ideas in the production process, it is likely that session titles and descriptions may evolve and change. The full schedule will be announced closer to SOCAP19 (generally in early October), so please check SOCAP19 Pathable for the final session description and title as the conference nears.

How to Participate

These great workshops, panels, and other types of sessions will all be presented at SOCAP19 which will take place at San Francisco’s Fort Mason Center for Arts and Culture October 22-25, 2019.
Join the conversation! Register for SOCAP19 here.
If your session proposal was not chosen or if you found out too late to share your content ideas with us this year, we strongly encourage you to try next year! SOCAP Open is an annual part of the flagship conference. Sign up for the SOCAP Newsletter to be notified about the dates for SOCAP Open for SOCAP20.

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