Announcing the SOCAP24 Agenda — Going Deeper: Catalyzing Systems Change!

Ep. 32: Haley Rushing of the Purpose Institute

WCW Podcast August 14, 2019

As co-founder and Chief Purposologist (yes, you read that right) of The Purpose Institute, Haley Rushing helps organizations and individuals find their true purpose in this world. It’s work that she came to after working in the advertising space for much of her career and realizing that the companies that she loved working with were the ones that had an authentic purpose. So, she left the ad world behind and jumped into a new career in the purpose space. On this episode, Rushing will walk us through the basics of finding your purpose, as well as discuss the importance of taking care of yourself while you do purpose-driven work.

Side note: Check out Rushing’s 19 lessons (and one dirty little secret) from 20 years in the arena.


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This episode is brought to you by Kate Spade On Purpose, bringing quality jobs to women and men in underserved Rwandan communities. Browse the On Purpose Collection at

Produced by Conscious Company Media and StoryPop Media


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