Announcing the SOCAP24 Agenda — Going Deeper: Catalyzing Systems Change!

The Mastery of Leaders: Shaun Paul

LaKay Cornell May 8, 2020

There is a deep interconnectedness of all life on earth,
from the tiniest organisms, to the largest ecosystem,
and absolutely between each person.

Bryant H. McGill

There is a lot of conversation right now about the solutions we need to implement to emerge with a new world as we see the other side of COVID-19. Just about everyone agrees that we need new systems and ecosystems. Almost no one seems to agree on what the best ways to create them are. One of my personal disappointments with this conversation is that it seems to happen in isolated communities. I believe that in order to really create the change we have to consider the people who will most benefit from these changes as well as the people who have the power to implement them.

It is this sort of partnership that has the power to provide new models of the economy that benefit more people. We also need to figure out how to focus on long-term solutions while also helping people have more opportunities today. In some ways, this is a sort of hybrid philosophy that combines the immediate relief that comes from things like SNAP (formerly known as food stamps), section 8 housing, or even the stimulus checks most of us are receiving now with the pull yourself up by your bootstraps philosophies of the other side. As I’ve said before, you have to have boots in order to pull yourself up by your bootstraps. And much more eloquently, Nicholas Kristof and his wife, Sheryl Wudunn, say in their new book, Tightrope: Americans Reaching for Hope, that what we need is a change of heart where we realize that we can provide systems to level the field a bit and still teach people to work for rewards and financial gain.

Shaun Paul describes his work and values with the eloquence and passion of a poet or philosopher – painting a picture for you easily – while also being clear that he believes he is operating at a higher level of consciousness than others. After learning about his work and Ejido Verde, I wholeheartedly agree.

When he said, We must adopt regenerative principles in how we live and work, discovering positive and active ways to participate in the evolution of life on our planet, I whispered a little amen to myself. When he talked about creating a health Earth, not just curing a sick one, my eyes welled up a little bit – and I had that moment of if only it were possible. And then I learned, from him, that it is indeed possible.

To learn more about Ejido Verde, visit their site today. Shaun Paul is also on a mission to inspire others to adopt regenerative principles at this time when our world needs them most. He is urging anyone who wants to learn how to run a business with strategies that mitigate volatility and risk with a positive impact, regenerating life to contact him directly.

Visit Ejido Verde

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