Announcing the SOCAP24 Agenda — Going Deeper: Catalyzing Systems Change!

We’ve Pitched a Bigger Tent: Welcome to SOCAP Global

SOCAP Global October 22, 2020

Bringing Impact Investors, Social Entrepreneurs, and Conscious Business Leaders Together to Build the Next Economy

This year has been a year of unprecedented unknowns and unique challenges. We see this time of seeming chaos as a time of great opportunity. Whether you are a social entrepreneur seeking solutions to the world’s most pressing problems, a conscious business leader building a mission-driven company, or an impact investor placing capital in companies and individuals that are solving for positive impact, as leaders we have the opportunity and the responsibility to rise to this moment. 

Unprecedented times call for unprecedented actions. Radical collaboration is the answer.

We must come together across sectors in new ways. We must continue to build a bigger tent bringing together different voices, perspectives, ideas, solutions and capital to the conversation as we strive to transform the economy.

We’re proud to announce our own radical collaboration: SOCAP, Conscious Company Media, and Total Impact are now under one big tent — SOCAP Global. There is one thing we know: Together, all ships rise. We believe through SOCAP Global we will better activate our core values of intentionality, inclusion and intersectionality, and galvanize the power of the amazing community we have to achieve our collective goals.

The members of this community from all sectors and brands are known for working together across silos to create innovative, market-based solutions that drive toward a positive result.  Here people generously share expertise and skills to scale and advance the field, bringing impact investing, conscious leadership, and social entrepreneurship to a much larger audience. 

You’ll have direct access to more content and a wider community of like-minded, values-aligned souls. By forming this wider community, everyone will have greater opportunity for collaboration, innovation and, ultimately, systemic transformation.

What the Launch of SOCAP Global Means for You

Events. We will continue to bring you events, both virtually and in-person, to spark the conversations most needed right now. With our eyes to the horizon, we initiate provocative  discussions providing holistic perspectives that encourage debate, reflection and solution.. These events include World-Changing Women’s Summit, Total Impact, SPECTRUM, and SOCAP, along with many other webinars that lead to the real-world changes we hope to drive through these conversations.

Stories. We will curate and share a diverse set of voices from within this community to continue to push the envelope of what’s possible. Leaders both known and up-and-coming will reveal best practices, successes and learnings. We will share more stories that get below the surface and really start to explore topics in-depth. Explore our content areas:

Podcasts. The Money and Meaning and World-Changing Women podcasts will continue to provide inspiring, insightful looks inside the work of leaders at the vanguard in impact investing and leadership equity. 

How You Can Get Involved

Join our SOCAP Global email list to receive a weekly newsletter (use the simple form at the bottom of this post), highlighting the latest and greatest conversations along with calls to action from our wide community, as well as the event updates for all of our event series. We’re open to suggestions so please let us know what you’re thinking through our News You Can Use submission form

Participate in our upcoming events—you can explore all of our events to find the ones most interesting to you.

Stay connected with us on social, where we provide updates on all of our offerings, from stories and podcasts to virtual events and live gatherings:

Welcome to the tent!

Scaling with Values / Stakeholder Capitalism
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