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Webinar Registration — A Fund for the Reparations Movement: Building a Culture of Repair

SOCAP Global May 19, 2023

June 6, 2023 at 3:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Limited spots were available for this webinar to accommodate small group conversations. At this time, the webinar is at capacity. We invite you to join the waitlist here. We will be in touch if space becomes available. 

Following the enthusiastic response to Liberation Ventures’ SOCAP22 workshop, Reimagining Reparations, we’re continuing this critical conversation online — and invite you to join us. 

While the issue of reparations has gained considerable momentum, many define reparations narrowly, as cash payments relegated to the public sector and only benefitting Black people.

Liberation Ventures thinks differently. Their organization is building a multiracial democracy that works for everyone by making racial repair a reality in the U.S.

Reparations for slavery and its legacy is not just about money or policy; reparations are comprehensive repairs and require shifting narratives and, ultimately, culture. Building a culture of repair across sectors benefits not just Black people but catalyzes a truly multiracial democracy – for all of us.

On Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 3:00 p.m., Aria Florant of Liberation Ventures and Christiaan Vorkink of True Ventures will join SOCAP Global’s Michelle Arevalo-Carpenter for a virtual conversation to discuss Liberation Ventures’ work and growth, how SOCAP22 propelled its mission, and how others can build their understanding and make progress. You’ll also have the opportunity to share your thoughts on the topic in breakout sessions with fellow attendees.

Attendees will learn how to apply Liberation Ventures’ framework for racial repair to their organization and impact in the world.

A conversation with:

  • Aria Florant, Co-Founder & Managing Director, Liberation Ventures
  • Christiaan Vorkink, VP & Director, True Ventures
  • Michelle Arevalo-Carpenter, Executive Director of Strategy & Content, SOCAP Global

Equity and Inclusion / Racial Equity
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