Announcing the SOCAP24 Agenda — Going Deeper: Catalyzing Systems Change!

More Than 30 SOCAP23 Sessions Selected from Community-Driven SOCAP Open Process

SOCAP Global September 1, 2023

Join us in San Francisco this October to see these speakers take the stage at SOCAP23!

Each year, SOCAP Open helps us identify the most innovative new ideas from the SOCAP Global community and beyond. Anyone interested in participating is encouraged to upload proposals. We then invite our community to vote on their favorite submissions. This year, session ideas were co-reviewed by our content team and our inaugural Content Curation Councils.

For the past 11 years, many of the most compelling sessions at SOCAP have come directly from this process. SOCAP Open enables us to ensure that speakers who need to be heard are given the platform to broadcast their ideas. Here, explore the more than 30 SOCAP Open sessions that will be presented at SOCAP23, October 23 to 25, in San Francisco. Register today to join these sessions live at SOCAP23!

SOCAP Open Sessions Presenting at SOCAP23:

SOCAP23 Open Sessions:

Catalyzing Investments in Nature-Based Solutions: Moving From Niche to Mainstream, submitted by New Leaf Climate Partners

Restorative Recreation: Healing Injustice with Rest, Play & Nature, submitted by ImpactFull, Inc.

From Luxury to Necessity: Wellbeing Driving Lasting Change in Impact Investing, submitted by Sorenson Impact Center

Accountable Impact: The Desired Death of Vanity Metrics, submitted by Advantage Capital

From What to How: A Workshop on Meaningful Impact Reporting, submitted by Avivar Capital

Practice Makes Perfect: System-Level Investing in Action, submitted by SecondMuse Capital

Innovative Blended Finance Approaches to Workforce Development: Investing in People, submitted by Pursuit

Fund Models for the 99% — Innovative Capital Products for Entrepreneurs, submitted by Catalyze

Building a Gender-Inclusive Fintech Sector: A Fast-Track to Innovation, Sustainability and Growth, submitted by Accion Venture Lab

Gender Lens Investing: Mitigating the Risk of Implosion, submitted by Spectrum Impact

Supporting the Frontlines of Climate Justice: Funding Early and Funding Big, submitted by Justice Funders

Right Relationships: Using Investments to Transform Our Relationship With Mother Earth, Economies, All Beings, submitted by Cooperation Jackson, One Thriving Planet, and Roanhorse Consulting, LLC.

How Diversity Drives Returns: Lessons From Winning Portfolios, submitted by Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation

Investing in the Food and Ag Supply Chain — and the People Behind Your Food, submitted by CapShift

Cacao, Coffee and Spices: Growing Smallholder Incomes Through Intentional Investment, submitted by Heifer International

Smart Contracts: Blockchain Technology as a Blended Finance Tool, submitted by EthicHub

Scaling Impact Through Collaboration: Rallying Stakeholders Around Blended Finance, submitted by NESsT

Unlocking Opportunities: Navigating Latin America’s Exit Environments, submitted by Sorenson Impact Foundation

Lessons in Executing a Successful Exit Strategy in Asia, submitted by Acumen

Rethinking Impact Capital in Africa: Private Credit as an Asset Class submitted by Enko Capital

SOCAP23 Open Delegate-Led Sessions

Delegate-led sessions are designed to develop deeper relationships and shared knowledge within smaller, focused groups of practitioners who are invested in the topic. The sessions will convene impact leaders from across the SOCAP community with shared interests to explore a topic and work together toward potential solutions.

How to Leverage the Right Data to Measure True Impact as We Combat Impact Washing, submitted by New Markets Support Company

Ending Polarization: How Community-Led Dialogues Bridge Divides and Rebuild Trust, submitted by 92NY’s Belfer Center for Innovation & Social Impact

Beyond the Dollar: Investing in Entrepreneur Support, submitted by ONE WORLD Training & Investments

Learnings From a Decade of Innovation Competitions: Developing a Better Model for Long-Term Solutions, submitted by Global Knowledge Initiative

Child Lens Investing: Fostering a New Way of Investing in Our Future, submitted by Save the Children Global Ventures

Disability: The Missing “D” in DEI, submitted by Sorenson Impact Center

Scaling Climate Finance Across the Fashion Sector, submitted by Apparel Impact Institute

Reimagining the “How” of Investing: A Toolkit for Participatory Investing, submitted by World Education Services

Non-Profit Impact Investing: The Why, How, and Ins & Outs, submitted by Volunteers of America, Inc.

Shifting Power and Decision Making to Local Actors: Locally Led Adaptation in Practice, submitted by Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano

Innovative Approaches to Investing in Rural Women Entrepreneurs in Africa, submitted by Ripples in Africa

View all of the SOCAP Open sessions selected for SOCAP23 here, and don’t miss your chance to see this in person at SOCAP23! Reserve your spot today.

Impact Investing
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