SOCAP Global May 2, 2013

Social innovation is happening everywhere. In our preparations for SOCAP13, stories are already beginning to reach us from the coastal towns of Vancouver Island, forests of Ecuador, streets of Paris and dozens of places between. Our question: what would YOU bring to SOCAP13?
Since our inaugural event in 2008, SOCAP has always been built from the collective ideas, stories and knowledge of our global community. Our SOCAP team is pleased to announce a new platform – SOCAP Open that supports this more than ever, and allows anyone with internet access to:

1) Submit a Session Idea
2) View All Submitted Ideas
3) Comment on Ideas, and
4) Vote for Ideas you’d like to see at SOCAP13
As always, our SOCAP team will be formulating event themes (and announcing those soon). But for now, we invite your boundless ideas!  

Tell us – what are you seeing, hearing, experiencing that needs to be at SOCAP13 this year?

*Note: We encourage submitting developed session ideas that you’d be willing to lead at SOCAP13 if selected. Leading a session at SOCAP13 is an investment – session leads pay 60% of the ticket price and invest their time & energy in helping us push the field forward at SOCAP. At the same time, leading a session brings great reward in a variety of ways!


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