Liquidnet Joins SOCAP10 as Sponsor of Tactical Philanthropy Track

Rishi Malhotra August 3, 2010

liquidnet_logo-crop1Liquidnet is the premier institutional investment community, bringing together the world’s largest asset managers and public companies on a single network that directly connects traders, portfolio managers, analysts and listed companies. Through an active corporate social engagement program called Liquidnet For Good, since 2007 the company has devoted a portion of revenues to social challenges.
So why isn’t Liquidnet sponsoring the Impact Investing or the New Money track? There is an unprecedented opportunity facing the philanthropic sector (US$300 billion is donated annually in the US alone; the “Money for Good” study conducted by Hope Consulting values the opportunity for more impactful philanthropy to be at US$45 billion). Through an initiative called “Markets for Giving,” Liquidnet is galvanizing the players in the philanthropic ecosystem to create more opportunities for value-driven allocation of philanthropic resources. Knowing that social impact requires a variety of tools – from lending to investing to donating to volunteering – Liquidnet and SOCAP10 are building the conversation between the philanthropic, impact investing, and traditional investing communities and we welcome you to join us!

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