What’s Next Interview: David Hodgson of The IdeaHive and International Futures Forum

SOCAP Global September 29, 2010


As part of Triple Pundit‘s partnership with the Social Capital Markets Conference 2010, blogger Amie Vaccaro is featuring a series of interviews with key conference participants. Don’t forget to get your 30% discount by using the code “3P30″ when you register!

David Hodgson is a Principal with The IdeaHive and a Converger with The International Futures Forum.  He is also curating the Innovation in International Development track for Socap.

Watch my interview with David to learn:

  • How David is working to inject environmentalism into the social enterprise conversation
  • Why David is heartened by the international social enterprise community
  • How natural disasters are bringing the movement to the forefront of the public’s consciousness
  • Why the biosphere economy is the next big thing in social enterprise

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