11:45 AM - 12:45 PM PDT

YBCA | Theater

Founder Showcase: Women Entrepreneurs Driving Change (SOCAP22)

Meet the women impact entrepreneurs recognized and supported by the Cartier Women’s Initiative. Working in diverse industries ranging from wastewater treatment to cultural preservation, they share one common passion: leveraging the power of business to solve some of the world’s biggest challenges. 

The Cartier Women’s Initiative is a global program that supports women entrepreneurs leading early-stage, impact-driven businesses by providing them with financial, social, and human capital support. Founded in 2006, the initiative has supported more than 260 women impact entrepreneurs from 60 countries. 

Participating Entrepreneurs:

Rebecca Hui, Roots Studio

Ting Shih, ClickMedix

Orianna Bretschger, Aquacycl

Kelly Nguyen, DrKumo Inc.

Jonathan Perez de Alderete, Nonspec

Lisseth Cordero, Ecolana

Angel Chang, ANGEL CHANG

Nneka Mobisson, mDoc

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