The growing role of Philanthropy: The past, present, and future of Asian foundations

Namhee Yun Impact Square

Impact Square aims to discuss the role of philanthropy within the expanding Asian impact ecosystem through this session. Philanthropy has traditionally played a passive role, distributing capital to the vulnerable and providing emergency relief. However, with the emergence of philanthropies like the Rockefeller Foundation in the impact investment field, their role has begun to evolve. Robust philanthropic funds act as catalytic capital, facilitating the expansion of the impact ecosystem. Furthermore, they actively engage in discovering social innovation startups and participating in their acceleration, demonstrating a more proactive approach.

1. Evolution of the Role of Philanthropy
The panelists will present the past and present roles of their respective organizations. They will introduce past roles centered around relief efforts and various development projects. Also, they will share current programs and projects aimed at expanding the impact ecosystem. Additionally, they will share insights gained from the challenges or experiences encountered during this transformation, aiming to provide insights for the audience to apply in their respective organizations.

2. The Future Role of Philanthropy
Foundations currently act as catalytic and patient capital within the impact ecosystem. Catalytic capital contributes to the expansion of the impact ecosystem through strategies such as seeding for unverified businesses in the market, scaling for growth-stage companies, and sustaining strategies for companies with shorter durations. Additionally, foundations serve as a link between the public and private sectors and bridge the financial and impact markets. With numerous stakeholders participating in the impact ecosystem, collaboration across various sectors is essential. Therefore, the role of foundations in connecting these sectors and facilitating networks becomes increasingly important.

3. Expansion Strategies of Asian Foundations
While philanthropy is traditionally centered around the West, philanthropic activities within Asia exhibit unique characteristics and qualities. Through this session, we aim to share insights into the regional characteristics of Asia with audiences who are unfamiliar with them. Furthermore, we seek to draw insights from the specific activities of various institutions within Asia, considering the unique circumstances in Asia and deriving insights from their impact expansion strategies.

[Panel Composition]
1. AVPN: AVPN is a leading ecosystem builder increasing the flow of financial, human, and intellectual capital from Asia and globally into the social sector in Asia. It provides a network of peers, rigorous learning programs, and innovative capital mobilization opportunities that make sure resources are more effectively deployed.

2. Asan Nanum Foundation: The Asan Nanum Foundation is a nonprofit foundation established in 2011. It promotes diverse programs spreading entrepreneurship, supporting young entrepreneurs, enhancing non-profit competency, and building an innovation ecosystem.

3. World Vision: World Vision is a nonprofit organization for helping the vulnerable. World Vision’s goal is the sustained well-being of children, especially the most vulnerable, by addressing complex challenges holistically and working with families, partners, and communities.

[Sample Discussion Questions]
1. Can you describe and compare the kinds of projects your organization has traditionally worked on and the new projects you are currently trying out within the impact ecosystem?
2. Based on these trends, the active role of philanthropy is now expected to play. Then what role do you see your organization playing in the impact ecosystem in the future? Please share your organization’s strategy for playing this role.
3. We could guess that foundations in Asia have their own unique characteristics compared to the West. As a foundation that works in Asia, please share your opinion on the unique environment and the characteristics of foundations in Asia.


Catalytic Philanthropy


Panel (3 speakers)


  • NameYoung Park
  • TitleSenior Manager
  • OrganizationAsian Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN)
  • NameHoyun Jung
  • TitleCFO
  • OrganizationWorld Vision Korea
  • NameSungjong (Leo) Park
  • TitleDirector of the Social Innovation Team
  • OrganizationThe Asan nanum foundation


Impact Square aims to discuss the role of philanthropy within the expanding Asian impact ecosystem through this session. Philanthropy has traditionally played a passive role, distributing capital to the vulnerable and providing emergency relief. However, with the emergence of philanthropies like the Rockefeller Foundation in the impact investment field, their role has begun to evolve. Robust philanthropic funds act as catalytic capital, facilitating the expansion of the impact ecosystem. Furthermore, they actively engage in discovering social innovation startups and participating in their acceleration, demonstrating a more proactive approach.

1. Evolution of the Role of Philanthropy
The panelists will present the past and present roles of their respective organizations. They will introduce past roles centered around relief efforts and various development projects. Also, they will share current programs and projects aimed at expanding the impact ecosystem. Additionally, they will share insights gained from the challenges or experiences encountered during this transformation, aiming to provide insights for the audience to apply in their respective organizations.

2. The Future Role of Philanthropy
Foundations currently act as catalytic and patient capital within the impact ecosystem. Catalytic capital contributes to the expansion of the impact ecosystem through strategies such as seeding for unverified businesses in the market, scaling for growth-stage companies, and sustaining strategies for companies with shorter durations. Additionally, foundations serve as a link between the public and private sectors and bridge the financial and impact markets. With numerous stakeholders participating in the impact ecosystem, collaboration across various sectors is essential. Therefore, the role of foundations in connecting these sectors and facilitating networks becomes increasingly important.

3. Expansion Strategies of Asian Foundations
While philanthropy is traditionally centered around the West, philanthropic activities within Asia exhibit unique characteristics and qualities. Through this session, we aim to share insights into the regional characteristics of Asia with audiences who are unfamiliar with them. Furthermore, we seek to draw insights from the specific activities of various institutions within Asia, considering the unique circumstances in Asia and deriving insights from their impact expansion strategies.

[Panel Composition]
1. AVPN: AVPN is a leading ecosystem builder increasing the flow of financial, human, and intellectual capital from Asia and globally into the social sector in Asia. It provides a network of peers, rigorous learning programs, and innovative capital mobilization opportunities that make sure resources are more effectively deployed.

2. Asan Nanum Foundation: The Asan Nanum Foundation is a nonprofit foundation established in 2011. It promotes diverse programs spreading entrepreneurship, supporting young entrepreneurs, enhancing non-profit competency, and building an innovation ecosystem.

3. World Vision: World Vision is a nonprofit organization for helping the vulnerable. World Vision’s goal is the sustained well-being of children, especially the most vulnerable, by addressing complex challenges holistically and working with families, partners, and communities.

[Sample Discussion Questions]
1. Can you describe and compare the kinds of projects your organization has traditionally worked on and the new projects you are currently trying out within the impact ecosystem?
2. Based on these trends, the active role of philanthropy is now expected to play. Then what role do you see your organization playing in the impact ecosystem in the future? Please share your organization’s strategy for playing this role.
3. We could guess that foundations in Asia have their own unique characteristics compared to the West. As a foundation that works in Asia, please share your opinion on the unique environment and the characteristics of foundations in Asia.

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