9:00 AM - 9:45 AM PDT

YBCA - Theater

Checks & Imbalances: Can Donors Investors Save Democracy
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There was a time when the three branches of government plus a free press provided the check, balances, and protections that ensured America’s democratic experiment could withstand the test of time. But it feels faint right now. Indeed, with our institutions, people, and planet all under attack, no sector is unaffected – and no players can remain on the sidelines.

Join Hispanics in Philanthropy for an unsparing look at the crises we’re facing (especially around civil society and climate) and how philanthropy and impact investing can lead the way to new solutions.


Paul Ryan

Deputy Executive Director

Funders' Committee for Civic Participation

Hilda Vega

VP, Philanthropic Practice

Hispanics in Philanthropy

Joseph Scantlebury

President and CEO

Living Cities

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