Funding continues to be scarce for Impact Zebras, companies striving for both profit and purpose, solving complex social problems — poverty, climate change, gender inequity, and more. Join us for a dynamic and engaging discussion about how to attract more capital to the funding gap. We’ll examine the opportunities and challenges from the perspective of zebras and those who fund them in a world cafe format.
Ted Levinson
Beneficial Returns
Lindsey Henley
Director of Portfolio Operations
Ignite Capital
Anastasiya Litvinova
Palladium Impact Capital
John Kohler
Executive Fellow and Director of Impact Capital Innovation
Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship at Santa Clara University
Brigit Helms
Executive Director
Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship - Santa Clara University
Astrid Scholz
Co-Founder and Capital Lead
Zebras Unite
Bree Jones
Founder & CEO
Parity Homes