8:15 AM - 9:00 AM PDT

Inclusive Wealth Creation: Reimagining Real Estate to Profit Renters, Communities, and Investors

Unlike “qualified” investors, most low- and moderate-income people are shut out from the profits of real estate built in their neighborhoods. Why does the model exclude so many while enriching so few? This session will explore more inclusive real estate investment models. Renters can profit from apartment buildings where they live. Communities can earn from places where they shop. And impact investors can create a new frontier of wealth creation for generations to come.

Recordings are available for paid event attendees only.
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Chris Herrmann

Senior Vice President

Enterprise Community Investment, Inc.

Kimberlee Cornett

Director, Impact Investments

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Roy Swan

Director, Mission Investments

The Ford Foundation

John W. Haines

Executive Director, Community Investment Trust

Mercy Corps

Equity and Inclusivity brought to you by

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