10:45 AM - 12:00 PM PDT

CJM | Yud Gallery

Investing for Equity in Web3: Democratizing Access to Opportunity for All

Would it surprise you that the earliest and largest consumers of digital assets (like crypto currency) are communities of color, the working class and young people? The same groups historically excluded from the traditional financial system. Core technical qualities and principles of web3 including cultural values of public good and open source, as well as transparency, security, and lower transaction costs can address systemic structural barriers inherent in the current financial system.

To capitalize on the opportunity of a generation and unlock economic opportunities for historically excluded communities, increased investment in diverse web3 entrepreneurs, innovating to solve problems for their communities is essential. Come learn how investors can advance equity and capitalize on innovation to drive outsized impact for communities in core areas from healthcare to financial services and capital access.

Hear from diverse venture capitalists investing in underrepresented founders on how web3 fits into their thesis and from a global NGO on the opportunity to invest in web3 technologies to drive financial inclusion and climate resilience globally. Learn key take aways from ethnographic research by the Crypto Council for Innovation on how Web3 entrepreneurs are democratizing access to opportunity and what’s needed to unlock this once in a generation impact opportunity (Ninety percent of the builders who participated in the study indicated that they entered Web3 to build for the unmet needs of their communities). The full participation of historically underrepresented builders in Web3 is critical to ensuring that all communities stand to benefit from future technological advancements.

This session is co-curated and supported by W.K. Kellogg Foundation.


Susie Lee

Program Related Investments Officer

W.K. Kellogg Foundation

Scott Onder

Chief Investment Officer

Mercy Corps Ventures

Arjan Schutte

Founder & Managing Partner

Core Innovation Capital

Sheila Warren


Crypto Council for Innovation

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