8:30 AM - 8:45 AM PDT
How can we move beyond providing communities just enough capital to pilot solutions but not enough to scale them? By transferring land and capital into the direct stewardship of communities to build a regenerative economy and advance a just transition. Hear how Doria’s journey in the urban gardens of Richmond California, growing cucumbers, hope and transformation under the shadow of the Chevron Refinery, lead Doria to help build and grow local and national networks of climate and economic justice leaders working to steward, capital, land and economic cooperatives in ways that put sacredness at the center of our economy and heal the harms of the past.
SOCAP Main Stage programming runs from 8:00AM-10:30 AM
Community Wealth Building series is brought you by: The Equitable Development Working Group & Full Spectrum Capital Partners
Doria Robinson
Executive Director
Urban Tilth