8:15 AM - 9:00 AM PDT
Here's your measurement session at SOCAP! Join this discussion to hear from cross-sector leaders on their experience collecting social impact data (outcomes of gender-inclusive technical assistance activities by G-SEARCh) to develop the evidence base for gender lens investing. While capturing the voice of marginalized communities can often be highly challenging and sensitive, this data is critical for adapting operations to volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) ground realities. Panelists will share learnings and best practices, as well as their experiences using technology such as WhatsApp for data collection.
Recordings are available for paid event attendees only.
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Yaquta Fatehi
Program Manager
William Davidson Institute at U. of Michigan
Ashley Speyer
Head of Research Operations
60 Decibels
Jasper Gosselt
Research Director
Dalberg Research