Supporting BIPOC-Led Businesses at Every Stage
From funding BIPOC-led startups to company acquisition, learn how investors from across the ecosystem are using unique forms of capital (revenue-based financing, employee stock ownership plans, buyout capital, venture and more) to sustain and build an investment system that works for everyone, especially BIPOC owners. Many BIPOC-led businesses are still struggling to recover from the pandemic, hear first-hand how investors with lived experience are driving solutions to address market inefficiencies at every stage.
Economic Justice: A Solution to Democracy’s Biggest Challenge
Many would say the U.S. is experiencing minoritarian rule, whereby a minority subset of the population is defining what is and is not possible and making decisions that run counter to majority public support. This has long been the case when it comes to economic policy. The challenge is most of us seeking a solution put things like free and fair elections in one bucket and economic justice in an entirely different one. We’ll discuss why civic democracy is not possible without economic democracy and vice versa…why we all should care, and what we can do about it NOW.
Valarie King-Bailey
Chief Executive Officer
OnShore Technology Group
Todd Leverette
Managing Partner
Apis & Heritage Capital Partners
Aarthi Sowrirajan
Tynesia Boyea-Robinson
President & CEO
Chelsea Peters
Chief Strategy Officer
Walton Family Foundation
Michael McAfee
CEO & President
CJ Grimes
WorkMoney, Inc.
Derek Peebles
Director of Policy & Advocacy, Inclusive Economy
American Independent Business Alliance
Solana Rice
Co-Founder, Co-Executive Director
Liberation in a Generation
Liz Diebold
Managing Director of Investments
Skoll Foundation
Monique Aiken
Make Justice Normal
Cari Hanson
Make Justice Normal
Darryl Ratcliff
Gossypion Investments