8:30 AM - 9:15 AM PDT
Are you working on an intro for your next project or venture? Getting the rust off of your networking skills? Or maybe you're perfecting your "tell me about yourself" interview answer? During this session, you'll have the stage for two minutes to practice your intro (or pitch) and receive encouraging and constructive feedback from leaders in business, sustainability, and entrepreneurship. In the process, you'll also introduce yourself to the audience so that you can start connecting with like-minded people. You'll gain practical tips on answering this question in a compelling and effective way, ensuring you build new connections at SOCAP and beyond.
Asheen Phansey
Director of Sustainability
Phansey Consulting, LLC
Dave Stangis
Founder & CEO
21C Impact, LLC
John Davies
VP & Senior Analyst
GreenBiz Group
Managing Director, EDGE
Duke University
Shannon Houde
Career, Executive & Emotional Intelligence Coach
Walk of Life Coaching