10:30 AM - 11:15 AM PDT

YBCA - Theater Terrace

The Power of Investing in Women

FourthWave, Inc. is an accelerator for female tech entrepreneurs, based in Sacramento. To date, FourthWave alumni have raised over $40M.

According to a study by the Kaufman Foundation, women-led private technology companies are more capital-efficient, achieve 35% higher returns on investments, and when venture-backed, bring in 12% higher returns than male-owned companies. And yet, only 2% of venture funds go to female founders.

We know that investing in women is one of the most effective ways to reduce inequality and increase economic growth, yet investors are lagging. In this evocative panel discussion, we’ll discuss the blockers and biases around investing in women and what we can do to change the paradigm.


Cheryl Beninga



Mariah Lichtenstern Lichtenstern

Founding Partner

DiverseCity Ventures

Keith Spears

General Partner

Include Ventures

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