In the last few years calls to mobilize the private sector towards sustainable development have grown louder and more insistent. Blended finance has been touted as one way to get into the deep pockets of the private sector, but it’s struggled to take off. Convergence found that nearly two-thirds of investors in blended finance deals have only made one commitment. Why do so many investors only participate in one-off deals? What are the pain points and barriers that keep them from engaging more deeply? What risks or concerns are holding investors back from engaging in blended finance at all? In this workshop Convergence will work with participants to answer these questions and come up with concrete ways their risks and concerns can be mitigated so that they can more confidently take part in blended finance opportunities.
Alicia Maitland
Senior Associate
Joan Larrea
Convergence Blended Finance
Greg Neichin
Co-Managing Director
Ceniarth, LLC