11:45 AM - 12:45 PM PDT
While the climate change debate rages on in the political sphere, the private sector has largely recognized the importance of sustainability and climate change mitigation and adaptation for the future of their supply chains and business. But, what does sustainability really mean when so many of the people who produce our goods live in poverty, when natural resources are not managed sustainably, and working conditions are poor? Whether smallholder farmers produce a third of the world’s food, as recent studies suggest, or more, there is no debating their importance for local economies and sustainable development. We can’t afford to leave them out. So, how do we support them to reclaim sustainability; from achieving inclusivity to producing in balance with nature, to receiving a fair share of the value in the supply chain? How can impact investment work for smallholder farmers and workers? Join us as we bring together stakeholders from along the supply chain to engage in a thought-provoking dialogue on achieving true sustainability.
Issifu Issaka
Sefwi Bekwai District Cocoa Farmers Cooperative Union Ghana
Anne Park
Global Director of Impact
Small Enterprise Assistance Funds (SEAF)
Yasmina Zaidman
Chief Partnerships Officer
Madhyama Subramanian
Head of Programs and Partnerships
Solidaridad North America