10:00 AM - 10:45 AM PDT

Womxn's Impact Careers: Networking Salon

For many womxn entrepreneurs, starting a social enterprise is no easy feat. But as our session hosts know, it is the challenges and the successes that shape one's entrepreneurial journey. These experiences lead to valuable learnings that, when shared, can uplift other womxn's work as well as your own. Drop into this session to listen to and learn from others, share your story, explore what's working for you and where you need help, all while supporting fellow womxn entrepreneurs who are making an impact.   

Here is the link to the session. You must be logged in to Hopin.



Bertha Jimenez


RISE Products Inc.

Laura Clise



Rebecca Pomerantz

MBA Student

USC Marshall School of Business

Stefanie Thomas

Founding Member & Investor

Impact America Fund

Esther Abodunrin

MBA and Global Health Policy Candidate

Brandeis University

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