In our first 25 years Christel House has served 20,855 students at schools in India, Jamaica, Mexico, South Africa, and the United States. Christel House features an exceptional 18-year kindergarten to career model that transforms life outcomes for students in marginalized communities. Christel House prepares our graduates to achieve upward economic mobility, demonstrate good citizenship, and become empowered to identify and realize their goals, dreams, and human potential. Our vision is straight-forward – A world where poverty does not limit potential. Students graduating from Christel House are, in most instances, the first generation to complete high school. The unique Christel House College & Careers program begins in the earliest grades, during elementary and middle school years, as we help students explore and learn about a variety of careers – through field trips, in-class guests, and career fairs. As students enter their high school years, Christel House College & Career coaches guide students to develop a personal plan to define a career path that leads to meaningful employment. This plan includes scholarships to university, technical training, or apprenticeships. The coaches continue to provide essential support for five years after high school graduation as students navigate their path forward – in total, up to 18 years of support is provided every child from early grades to when they graduate and successfully move into the work force.
The Christel House College & Careers program is successful in every country we serve. 95% of Christel House graduates globally are continuing their studies or working. Christel House graduates are 3x as likely to complete post-secondary education (associate or bachelor’s degrees, certifications, and apprenticeships) than their peers. (Source: OECD Percent young adults (25-34) complete tertiary education or higher; 2020, 2019 for India) Christel House graduates far surpass peers with employment in the formal sector – 96% of Christel House graduates have formal sector employment (stable positions with benefits) compared to 38% of their in-country peers. (Comparator Data Source: International Labor Organization, Percent employed youth aged 15-24 in formal employment, 2020.)