Announcing the SOCAP24 Agenda — Going Deeper: Catalyzing Systems Change!

Down to the Details: Practical Approaches to Disruptive Funding

Daniel Stein-Sayles Echoing Green

Embark on a journey into the undergrowth of resourcing innovation with Camelback Ventures, NewSchools Venture Fund, and Echoing Green. As we unravel the complex web of traditional funder power dynamics, this dynamic exploration promises to take you deep into the weeds of recruitment, application, and selection processes, showcasing how we’re cultivating a garden of opportunity for early stage leaders.

Prepare to get your hands dirty as we dissect the minutiae of our efforts to revolutionize how entrepreneurial talent is nurtured and recognized. We’re peeling back the layers, revealing the root systems that support sustainable growth, and inviting you to join us in revamping the traditional grant and accelerator application . Whether you’re a seasoned funder or a budding innovator, this session will equip you with the tools and insights needed to till your own path toward a more transparent, equitable, and supportive ecosystem.


Catalytic Philanthropy


Panel (3 speakers)


  • NameDaniel Stein-Sayles
  • TitleManager, Capital
  • OrganizationEchoing Green
  • NameCaroline Lutkewitte
  • TitleDirector of Search & Align
  • OrganizationCamelback Ventures
  • NameNatalie Wilson
  • TitlePartner
  • OrganizationNewSchools Venture Fund


Embark on a journey into the undergrowth of resourcing innovation with Camelback Ventures, NewSchools Venture Fund, and Echoing Green. As we unravel the complex web of traditional funder power dynamics, this dynamic exploration promises to take you deep into the weeds of recruitment, application, and selection processes, showcasing how we’re cultivating a garden of opportunity for early stage leaders.

Prepare to get your hands dirty as we dissect the minutiae of our efforts to revolutionize how entrepreneurial talent is nurtured and recognized. We’re peeling back the layers, revealing the root systems that support sustainable growth, and inviting you to join us in revamping the traditional grant and accelerator application . Whether you’re a seasoned funder or a budding innovator, this session will equip you with the tools and insights needed to till your own path toward a more transparent, equitable, and supportive ecosystem.

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